Non-returnable bottle

Finally, the great day dawned to put the message in a bottle and let it down the river. What was the message when the river did not want to take it farther away from the pillar of the nearest bridge? It’s still there, you can see how it springs from the water and looks as if it’s calling. Those who walked along the river claim that an indistinctive voice is heard from its direction muffled by the sound of the river and the surrounding noises. There were also those who approached it in a boat to get it out of the water, but it would then turn into a picture as if it was a part of the bridge pillar. A fisherman, who had been fishing from the boat that night, later said that he had clearly heard a voice from the river saying that the one who took the bottle would be a great savior and a lucky man because the message in it had been written by the Creator’s hand. It remains to be seen when this man will appear and bring this eagerly anticipated happiness. Perhaps the river itself will have to change before that and start another flow.

Nepovratna boca
Dođe na kraju i taj dan da se poruka zatvori u bocu i pusti niz reku. Кakva li to beše poruka, kad reka ne htede da je ponese dalje od pilona najbližeg mosta? Još uvek je tu, vidi se kako izviruje iz vode i kao da zove. Oni koji su tuda prolazili obalom tvrde da se iz njenog pravca čuje nečiji glas, ali da je, da li zbog huka reke ili okolne buke, nerazgovetan. Bilo je i onih koji su joj prilazili čamcem da je izvade iz vode, ali bi se ona tada pretvarala u sliku kao da je i sama deo pilona mosta. Jedan alas koji je tu noću ribario iz čamca pričao je posle da je jasno čuo glas iz reke da će onaj ko se bude domogao boce biti veliki spasilac i srećnik, jer je poruka u njoj ispisana rukom stvoritelja. Ostaje da se vidi kada će se taj pojaviti i doneti tu željno očekivanu sreću. Možda će i sama reka morati pre toga da se promeni i da krene nekim drugim tokom.

  • Location

    Sava River

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